
Delivering Gratitude: Why We Owe a Debt of Thanks to Truck Drivers

Delivering Gratitude: Why We Owe a Debt of Thanks to Truck Drivers

At DMR Transportation, we understand that our success depends on the tireless efforts of truck drivers. During National Truck Drivers Appreciation Week 2023, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for the incredible individuals who power our nation's transportation industry. They are the backbone of our economy, and their dedication deserves recognition and celebration.

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Secure Brakes, Safe Roads: Brake Safety Week

Secure Brakes, Safe Roads: Brake Safety Week

Greetings, road warriors and safety enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into a topic that's close to our hearts – Brake Safety Week in the USA. As a company committed to delivering goods while ensuring the utmost safety, we're excited to shed light on this annual event that plays a crucial role in maintaining the well-being of commercial vehicles' braking systems. So, buckle up as we explore the significance of Brake Safety Week and DMR Transportation's commitment to road safety.
Fueling the Spirit of Freedom: The Most Popular Soundtracks This Summer for Truck Drivers in the USA

Fueling the Spirit of Freedom: The Most Popular Soundtracks This Summer for Truck Drivers in the USA

Welcome to our blog, dedicated to the hardworking truck drivers who crisscross the highways of the United States, fueling the spirit of freedom. In this edition, we bring you the hottest soundtracks of the summer, perfectly suited to keep you motivated and entertained during those long hours on the road. From upbeat anthems to relaxing tunes, these songs will make your journey even more enjoyable. So, crank up the volume, roll down the windows, and let's dive into the world of music that will accompany you on your adventures!
5 Common Hazards on the Road and How to Avoid Them During National Safety Month

5 Common Hazards on the Road and How to Avoid Them During National Safety Month

At DMR Transportation, we prioritize safety and strive to educate our drivers and the wider community about the common hazards on the road. In honor of National Safety Month, we want to raise awareness about potential dangers and provide practical tips to help truck drivers and motorists avoid accidents.
Road to Wellbeing: Promoting Mental Health among Truck Drivers

Road to Wellbeing: Promoting Mental Health among Truck Drivers

In the fast-paced and demanding world of trucking, the mental well-being of truck drivers often takes a backseat. Long hours, challenging road conditions, isolation, and the pressure to meet strict deadlines can significantly impact their mental health.
A Truck Drivers Guide to Creating a Safe & Productive Cab Environment

A Truck Drivers Guide to Creating a Safe & Productive Cab Environment

As a truck driver, safety should always be a top priority. A safe environment in the truck cab not only ensures that the driver is able to focus on the road and drive carefully but also increases productivity by keeping the driver fresh and alert.
Tips for Female Truck Drivers

Tips for Female Truck Drivers

As more and more women enter the trucking industry, ensuring they have the tools and knowledge they need to succeed is crucial. Trucking can be a challenging career, but with the proper preparation and mindset, women can thrive in this field.
Battling Driver Fatigue

Battling Driver Fatigue

Driver fatigue is a significant contributor to accidents in the trucking industry. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), driver fatigue is estimated to be a factor in as many as 100,000 motor vehicle crashes each year in the United States. However, it's challenging to determine precisely how many trucking accidents occur due to driver fatigue, as fatigue can be difficult to detect and may only sometimes be reported as a contributing factor.
How Can I Make My Semi-truck Last Longer?

How Can I Make My Semi-truck Last Longer?

As a semi-truck driver, you depend on your vehicle for many things. It becomes your second home as you travel from job to job, which makes safety a top concern. With so many miles traveled daily, routine maintenance remains essential for your protection, efficiency, and ability to complete your assignment on time.
Preparing Your Truck for the Road in Winter

Preparing Your Truck for the Road in Winter

Hauling freight over long distances places stress on many truck components, including the tires, chassis, brakes, engine, transmission, and more. Despite varied road conditions, a well-maintained semi-truck can last for decades and drive well over 750,000 miles.
5 Ways to Stay Entertained on the Road

5 Ways to Stay Entertained on the Road

The trucking industry is rewarding. However, a solitary driver may feel lonely and bored. Truck drivers face the common challenge of staying awake while driving, which is why entertainment is essential. Across the country, FMCSA reports that drowsiness causes thousands of accidents and deaths annually.
How You Can Start Your Career in Trucking

How You Can Start Your Career in Trucking

Trucking is one of the oldest industries in the US, and it's not going anywhere anytime soon. Truck driving is a booming field with many opportunities for people who want to get their start. There are a large number of companies out there that offer opportunities for new drivers because the industry has a shortage.
How Lease-to-Own Trucks are Helpful when Starting Your Own Business?

How Lease-to-Own Trucks are Helpful when Starting Your Own Business?

Are you a small business owner who wants to start a trucking company? Do you dream of having your own rig? Lease-to-own trucks might be what you need. A quality lease at a reasonable rate can make the difference between starting your trucking career and paying high fees. Here’s a brief overview of how they work.
The Benefits of Team Driving

The Benefits of Team Driving

If driving across the country with a partner sounds like your ideal adventure, it might be time to investigate team driving. Trucking is an excellent way for you to see the country and earn some decent money doing it, but sometimes the challenges of driving alone can overshadow the perks.
What’s the Best Thing About Being a Truck Driver?

What’s the Best Thing About Being a Truck Driver?

Like most things in life, there is no simple answer to the open road lifestyle of a long-haul trucker. For most, it is the ability to be free from having a boss breathing over their shoulder or reliable pay that ensures a higher quality of life for their families. With trucking becoming a popular career choice and high in demand, there are quite a few benefits to transitioning to this job opportunity.
How Increasing Gas Prices are Affecting Truck Drivers

How to Choose the Best Truck Driving Company to Work For?

Truck driving is one of the most in-demand jobs in America, but not many people know what it's like to drive a truck for a living. Whether you're already involved in the trucking industry or simply looking for a change of pace, here are some things to keep in mind as you learn more about this popular field.
How Increasing Gas Prices are Affecting Truck Drivers

How Increasing Gas Prices are Affecting Truck Drivers

Prices have been increasing globally for food, transport, utilities, shipping, etc. Many are being hit by the sudden influx of pricing and those working in transportation are no exception. Trucking businesses are feeling a deep hit to their pockets with increasing gas prices still on the rise, independent truck drivers are wondering if it’s worth it, and larger companies are forced to rethink and readjust budgets and make some costly decisions.
Canada Trucking Protests

Canada Trucking Protests

With the truck drivers strike, trucking conflicts in Canada have drastically come to a head and the “Freedom Convoy,” a procession of truckers that traveled across the country, recently posted up in the capital to protest. The crowd grew rowdy and agitated but, in true Canadian fashion, there were no guns or bodily armor, and no violence.
Maintaining Your Truck During Winter Months

Maintaining Your Truck During Winter Months

Are you a long-haul truck driver looking for winter truck driving tips? Any responsible fleet will get off the road the moment conditions turn treacherous. The rest of the time, sturdy trucks can withstand rough bouts of weather, provided they are maintained and cared for appropriately. Here are some worthwhile considerations and safety tips for truck drivers during the winter months.
The Continuing Shortage of Truck Drivers

The Continuing Shortage of Truck Drivers

Have you swung by the grocery store only to find that your favorite brand of packaged cookies is missing? Maybe you’ve had to wait a week or more for that Amazon order that usually comes with two-day shipping. Wondering why so many store shelves are sporting their “out of stock” signage?

Company drivers

  • Home Daily
  • Hourly and mileage positions
  • Excellent benefits package
  • Paid days off
  • 24 hour dispatch and maintenance
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Owner operators

  • Consistent home time based on your needs
  • Pre - pass provided
  • Fuel discounts
  • Commitment to safety
  • 24 hour dispatch and maintenance
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